F2F Class Notes 15th July (Harmony)

AR = virtual reality
AI = artificial intelligence
trivial: not important
trivia: random questions.
crux = the middle of an issue etc/ the pivitol point– where everything changes.

IELTS toys:
Describe a toy that was special to you when you were a child:
I didn’t have a lot of toys when I was young, but I do remember one special stuffed animal. It was given by my parents when I went vacation with them they saw me really liked that toy and they bought this for me, and I was really happy. When I was young I don’t have strong desire for toys, but that’s the only toy I have and I had it for many years and after I grew up we moved home so I lost that toy.
It was a stuffed pig, similar to the size of my laptop. It was yellow and my favorite thing about it was the texture is very very comfortable, like some towels that are very comfortable. It was a head and a body, and flat, not 3 dimension. I think it’s the toy is not special, the special thing is it accompanied me for many years and I really liked to hold it to sleep.

I didn’t have a lot of toys when I was young, but I did have one special stuffed animal. It was given by my parents when I went vacation with them they found I really liked that toy and then they bought it for me, and I was really happy. When I was young I didn’t have a strong desire for toys, but that’s the only toy I had and I had it for many years. When I was growing up we moved (homes/houses) and I lost that toy.
It was a stuffed pig, similar to the size of my laptop. The color was yellow and my favorite thing about it was the texture which was very very comfortable. like the texture of cotton towels. The shape was just a head and a body, and it was flat like a pillow. I think the toy is nothing special, but the important thing is that it accompanied me for many years and I really liked to hold during sleep. /while sleeping

stuffed animal: a squisy cotton filled animal that kids can cuddle/hold/love/playwith.
robot (row – bot) – a machine
robert (raw – bert) – a person
blanket: what covers you when you sleep. (general)
blankie: a special blanket that children have that they like to sleep with.
playing house: when kids pretend they are a family, and have different roles.

technology (teck – nal – oh – gee) 4

nephew: boy
niece: girl
in the ipad – on the ipad
on the computer