F2F Class Notes 15th December (Celeste)***


Write a story about why you love to play the violin and video games. Use the vocabulary from this lesson in your writing.  200-250 words. Upload your writing in your next class.


Challenge means something that is hard to do.

eg. Playing the piano is a challenge for me.

eg. Talk to/with people is a challenge for me.

eg. Drawing a perfect animation is a challenge for me.

confidence – noun
eg. I have confidence when I talk to strangers.
eg. I have great confidence to play different music.

eg. I have confidence to talk my specialty to people. – I have confidence when I talk about my specialty with people.
confident – adj
eg. I am confident when I talk to strangers.

eg. I am confident when I play different music.
eg, I am confident when I talk about my specialty with people.
eg. My ability to dance is awful.
eg. My ability to cook is bad.
eg. Do you have the ability to speak English?
eg. Do you have the ability to fly?
eg. Do you have the ability to speak Japanese?
eg. What can you do perfectly?

eg. I can make a  cake perfectly.

eg. I can draw character’s eyes perfectly?
eg. Can you perfectly draw a straight line?
eg. Can you perfectly bake a mousse cake?