F2F Class Notes 15th April (Tony)
pay attention to it
under the circumstances.… I would do it
I thought you were someone else
a rip off – a cheat or trick, or overpriced
eg: 140 for a plate of lasagna is a rip off.
morbid – suggesting an unhealthy mental state or attitude; unwholesomely gloomy, sensitive, extreme, etc.:
eg: I don’t like watching those morbid videos.
immortal – sth that can not die
eg: Vampires are immortal.
immune system – your body’s to fight sickness
eg: Red blood cells are key to the immune system.
immunize (V.) – become immune or unaffected by sth.
eg: Your kids need to be immunized before they go to school.
Sanitary – safe and clean for humans
eg: It’s not sanitary to eat out of the trash can.
eg: Sanitary needles will prevent spreading infections.
bum – homeless or beggar
eg: San Francisco has too many bums.
interfere – to become involved in the activities and concerns of other people when your involvement is not wanted
eg: Stop interfering with our basketball game.
cosmetic surgery – done to look better
eg: Cosmetic surgery is usually not necessary.
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