F2F Class Notes 15th April (Jesse) [R]


Practice these words
friend – you fry the ends of your friends
about – u baaooo t

Your baby’s name: Yoyo / Yara


Recently I became a new mom, so I care about the quality and the security of baby’s things like milk powder, vitamins, and other things babies use in their lives.

Two days ago, I read a piece of news, it is reported that the policemen in Guangzhou found a lot of fake milk powder copying famous brands abroad. I felt panicked and scared.

Then, one day ago, I read another piece of news which was about vitamins for pregnant women. The vitamin pills were sold on a famous e-commerce platform called Jingdong. But there were some problems with the quality of the pills.

It is reported that they caused a miscarriage for a pregnant woman.

After the consecutive news, I thought I couldn’t buy anything for my baby in China. Then I decided to directly buy things from the websites from abroad. And I discussed the news with a friend who has a baby in the same age as mine.

She asked how Chinese people could do that kind of thing – maybe the Chinese people don’t have faith, they just want to make money and they can do anything even if it hurts babies.

Because of these 2 pieces of news, I felt panicked and scared about the quality and the security of baby food.


ff vv

ss zz

th th

th ___ ng

thi n – front
thi ng zz – back

faooo nd – found