F2F Class Notes 14th August (Jesse)

nerve – shen jin

random – sui ji de
eg. let’s do sth random
eg2. it happens randomly .. i never know when it will hurt

xray – a photo of inside your body / bones etc
Have you ever met this thing that when you have a meal and find a worm in your food? It’s a really disgusting thing.
Today I ordered a takeouts, When I started to eat it, I found a worm which looks like a fly. I faced a question that is ‘eat or not eat? ‘. My collage who held a restaurant before command me just eating that it’s a common thing. And then he talked about his food’s terrible health, when at night, the camera would catch many mouses are crossing kitchen anywhere. In the finally, I just picked at and threw it. But the important thing I must to do, gives a bad comment to this restaurant.

Have you ever met this thing that when you have a meal and find a bug in your food? It’s a really disgusting thing.
Today I ordered 2 takeout dishes. When I started to eat it, I found a bug which looked like a fly. I faced a question that was ‘eat or not eat? ‘. My colleague who had / ran / started a restaurant before suggested that I should just eat it, and that it’s a common thing. And then he talked about his food’s terrible health situation, when at night, the camera would catch many mice crossing kitchen everywhere. Finally, I just ate a bit and threw away the rest. But the important thing I must do is give a bad comment to this restaurant.

the rest = the remaining = everything that is left

suggest that I do sth / recommend me to do sth 

if someone, who is patient works for me, i will be happy.

punctuation – punck tyou ay shen

I mostly like coffee = most of the time

most = more than half