F2F Class Notes 14th August (Ben)

***nice to see you TOO

***I don’t have the freedom to get new information

***The best movie I watched recently
Recently –> not finished –> I HAVE watched

In the past few days, I HAVE followed the Olympic Games

***I have DONE

I have had lunch, but I had it late

In English, we often use the past participle then the past perfect

For example:

I have gone to a lot of places. Last year, I went to Japan, France and America

go / went / have gone

I __________ (negative action or statement) either.
I didn’t enjoy the party either.

If you see a sentence that contains a negative…

I didn’t like the movie ________ (you have to use either).

WHY? Because if you use neither it becomes a double negative.

***neither = NOT + either

you cannot say NOT twice

I didn’t like the party neither = I did NOT like the party NOT either.

So it’s wrong

in the Negative, you must use EITHER.

Me neither

I don’t want either = Me neither

It’s the fear we won’t be loved, that we aren’t good enough or deserving enough just as we are. = It’s the fear we won’t be loved AND THE FEAR that we aren’t good enough or deserving enough just as we are.
