F2F Class Notes 13th September (Celeste)


Author (noun) – a person who writes a book. The writer.

eg. The author of the book is Roald Dahl.

Reader (noun) – a person who reads a book, magazine, newspaper, etc.

eg. Celeste and Michelle are the readers.

title (noun)  – name  of sth

eg. The title of the book is Matilda.

Table of Contents (noun) – the chapters in a book and what page they are on

eg. The table of contents is at the beginning of the book.

chapter (noun) – a part or section of a book

disgusting (adj.)  – bad, not good, dirty

eg. Michelle’s feet smell stinky and disgusting.

stinky (adj.) – does not smell good

throw up / vomit (verb) – when you are sick and the food in your stomach comes up and out of your mouth

basin (noun) – big box or bowl

pup / puppy – baby dog

mud – the place that plants the flowers

eg. Mud is made out of dirt and water.

lick / licking / licked / will lick v- when our tongue touches sth

eg. The dog, Raff, he licks the table.

eg. I sometimes lick vanilla ice cream.

eg. My mommy licks vanilla ice cream too.

After we go to the bathroom we should always wash our hands with hot water and soap.

rub our hands together

shake the water off our hands