F2F Class Notes 13th December (Raph)


Competitive (adj): 1- :  a situation based on competition or where a lot of people compete for something. 2- inclined, desiring, or suited to compete
E.g.: You need a degree to be competitive in today’s job market.

Toddler (n): 1- a child who’s at the age of learning how to talk and walk.
Toddlers usually have lots of energy.

Housework (n): 1- work that you do around the house (cleaning, doing laundry, etc.)
I always have to do lots of housework when I get home from the office.

Homework (n): 1- academic work students need to do at home.
My kids have to finish their homework before they’re allowed to play.


(Original – Edited)

I’m a little bit like it. – I like it a little bit. / I kind of like it.

When I’m in high school. – When I was in high school.Â