F2F Class Notes 13th August (Ben)

How have you been ? (since last time)
Did you go as low as he wanted?

a commission 提成
to commit = [kə’mɪt]

We don’t have a commission but a yearly bonus if the target is met/hit.
It’s a hit-or-miss deal.
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Mozart composed many kinds of music:
-a sonata is usually for one instrument (usually the piano)
-a symphony is a band playing together
-a concerto is a band playing together for one instrument (usually the piano)

A big part of that movie was fiction (not real).

Have you learned an instrument?
I play the piano 钢琴, the guitar吉他, the ukulele 尤克里里 and the accordion 手风琴。
A guitar has 6 strings WHEREAS a ukulele only has 4.

a key, a button 按钮
press 压榨 in and out

play a card = use an asset, do something
It’s a good card to play.

instrument = 乐器,工具

instruct = 命令,指示, 教导. Instruct someone to do something
You need to follow my instructions.

我知道了 = I get it, I got it. I understand. I see.
“I know” = “You don’t need to tell me”

a target = a goal
You must aim for the target. You must aim for the goal.

a competitor 竞争者= someone who competes in a race/business- eg. in the Olympic Games, another company,

an opPOnent = someone opposed to you. For example an enemy, a competitor or a country, a team, a colleague

tutor = “tudor”
tour = two – are (US) / tower (UK)