F2F Class Notes 13th August (Ben) [1]

Different opinions on marriage between China and Western countries

a documentary
Men and women play different roles in their couple in China and in Western countries.

get married
the breadwinner = the person who brings money to the family
The boss is mean. 老板很吝啬
The boss is said to be mean. 有人说老板很吝啬

In China, men and women share their income, their assets and their expenses. But in the West, they ARE SAID TO keep their accounts separate and go Dutch.

a prenup (a pre前-nuptial agreement协议) = 婚前协议
a party = 方
one party 乙方, the other party 甲方, a third party 第三方
contribute 贡献
More and more people sign prenups so they know how much each party contributed to the wedding.

In my opinion, women in the West are more independent and can pursue their own careers WHEREAS they are more stay-at-home in China.

Of course, it’s not a black-and-white situation, there are many shades of grey.

black-and-white 绝对的
shades of grey 灰色之影 = 不绝对的

In China, most women get married between 25 and 28 whereas Western women typically marry after 30.

typical 典型
they get married after 30 = they don’t get married before 30

In China, most women get married between 25 and 28 whereas Western women typically DON’T GET MARRIED BEFORE 30.

They don’t —– before / until —-
They don’t —– unless —-

I won’t marry until I find the good one. = I will ONLY marry after I find the good one.

bring up = 抚养 – the act of bringing up a child is upbringing

Who takes care of the children’s upbringing?

to take care of = to be responsible for
In the West, many parents bring their children up by themselves whereas Chinese ones typically entrust their OWN parents with the upbringing of their little ones.

to entrust someone with something 委托
little ones = children

/\ Try to open phrasal verbs.
They bring up their children –> They bring their children up