F2F Class Notes 13 June (Peter)


A balance car – Segway

All people are women –all of the people were women

He is live in Australia – he was living in Australia

Australia food – Australian food

We flied to – we flew to

After I drunk – after I got drunk

That was the second time I drunk – that was the second time I got drunk



Coworker – colleague, someone that you work with

Freshwater – lakes, rivers, water that does not taste salty

Saltwater – ocean, water that tastes salty

Ex. Although I prefer saltwater fish, I can only find freshwater fish in Shanghai.

Tip – the very end of something OR money that you give to a waiter for good service

Invade – to go into someone else’s land

Recent – in the close past

Flashy* – showing fancy clothes, jewelry, and wealth

*Note: the word “flash” refers to a bright light (usually from a camera). The word “flashy” comes from the bright light when the light hits someone’s jewelry.

Dummy – this word can mean either fake or stupid

Ex. To test how safe a car is, companies use crash test dummies to fake a car crash.

Black-out – to faint, to not remember anything

Tolerate* – 忍, to bear or put up with

*Note: Tolerance is the noun form, and can be used to talk about alcohol. For example, someone with high alcohol tolerance does not get drunk easily.


Remember, “drunk” is an adjective.

Ex. I got drunk/I was drunk because I drank too much Alcohol.


To put up with [someone/something] = to tolerate [someone/something]

Ex. The little kid is too annoying, I can’t put up with him.


Colleague (CALL-eeg)

Coworker (KOE-wurr-kurr)