F2F Class notes 12th September (Eddie) [1]

For next class, try to remember some of the new vocab below and use it in sentences.

weight loss =/= weight gain

to gain weight = to put on weight

radical adj = drastic

to curb = to slow down, to stop, to contain, to control

obesity =

policymakers = legislators, such as governments, parliaments etc; people who make the laws

to contemplate = to consider, to analyze, to think about

to bar = to forbid, to ban

BMI = body mass index

poultry n = birds

beverage n = drink

hot beverages = coffee, tea, etc

cold beverages =

alcoholic beverages = wine, beer, whiskey etc

carbonated beverages
= Sprite, Coca Cola, Fanta, Dr Pepper etc

fiber n = food from plants


sugar-sweetened beverages
