F2F Class Notes 12th December (Raph)


Fillet (n): 1- a piece or slice of boneless meat or fish.
E.g.: She ate some juice beef fillet.

Region (n): 1- an area or division, especially part of a country or the world
The bird returns to this region every year.

Bland  (adj): 1- something that has no strong features 0r qualities and, because of that, is uninteresting.
E.g.: The food at that italian restaurant is very bland and tasteless.

Methodical (adj): 1- neat, organized and following a specific way of doing things. 2- following a set method, arrangement, or pattern.
E.g.: She’s a slow and methodical worker.

Systematic  (adj): 1- done or acting according to a fixed plan 2-  relating to or consisting of a system.
E.g.: She made a systematic study of the evidence.

Cricket (n): 1- 蟋蟀

Worm (n): 1- 
