F2F Class Notes 12th August (Jesse)***

metaphor for life
eg. this phrase or idea explains some phenomenon about life

won = “one”

find some wrong – mistakes

took taxi – took a taxi 

conversation – “say”

he worked for a private company boss – he worked for a private company 

one thing happened that/which changed his decision (pr)

daughter – dor
doctor – dock

went high school – went to high school 

it was raining heavily (remember: adverb after verb)
the rain was heavy (adj)

high fever / high temperature
eg. she had a high temperature

send – permanently from one place to another
take / bring – you go with them together

hard to him / hard for him / hard on him **** finish reviewing from here next class

he just worked 9 to 5 – start at 9, finish at 5.

not – pr

income – pr

low – pr

told this to me told me this 

including – pr

son – pr

support their lifesupport themselves 

grandson and granddaughtergrandkids

respect your elders 

democracy < > communist
capitalist – ming zhu
feudalism – feng jian