F2F Class Notes 12th April (Celeste)

I cannot take care to her. –  I cannot take care of her.

ex: I need to take care of my grandmother.

The environment is better at the new location/office because there are more trees and we can take our pets to work. 🙂

They open to their employees to bring their pets to work. –  They are free to bring their pets to work. / They allow/permit their employees to bring their pets to work.

A lot of offices they take their pets there.

I was busy to have social life with them. – I was busy entertaining them.

ex: We must entertain our clients to build and maintain a good relationship. Then, we can be friends and be social together.

We should have good relationships with them like after work go for drinks or dinner. 🙂

go to the cinema to watch movie  – go to the movies/ go to the movie theater / go to the theater

ex: Let’s go to the movies!

ex: I want to go to the movies!

ex: Let’s meet at the movies/movie theater/theater!

ex: Do you want to go to the movies?

A lot of my clients they turn to my friends.  – A lot of my clients they become my friends. / A lot of my clients turn into my friends.

We do some sports together. – We play some sports together.

ex: I play basketball.

ex: I play volleyball.

I picked them to the sea and to the beer museum. – I picked them up and took them to the sea and to the beer museum.

Germany guy / Germany people = German / Germans

free flow champagne/beer – alcohol buffet

ex: This restaurant has free flow of cocktails at brunch.