F2F Class Notes 11th October (Tony)

How are you? I’m ok

How is it going? It’s going ok. Not bad (It=everything)

(If you don’t know what the subject is) How is what going?

Do you feel cold today? No, I don’t feel cold today.

Do you think it’s cold today? No, I don’t think it’s cold today. (It=weather)

(If you don’t know what the subject is) Do I think what is cold today? It’s hot outside, but my food is cold. Is your food cold too?

Contract – (Kahn tract) 合同 Agreement on paper that you sign your name to. “Please sign the contract as soon as possible.”

Contractions – when you put two or more words together, to make one word. eg: “Should not have= Shouldnt’ve.”

Contract  (kun Tract)- to bring together.

I have= I’ve been busy.

How is= How’s the weather?

It is= It’s too hot

Who is=Who’s drink is this?

He is=He’s my colleague call leeg  call lee ge

Was not= No, my work Wasn’t boring today.

Did not= No, I Didn’t have any fun at work today. It was just a normal day, I resolved some problems.