F2F Class Notes 11th October (Raph)

Ranking (n): 1- a position in a hierarchy or scale.
E.g.: I chose this university because it is very high on the national ranking.

Plateau (n): 1- a state of little or no change following a period of activity or progress. 2- an area of fairly level high ground.
E.g.: I feel like I’ve reached a plateau at work and haven’t been learning as much lately.

Leverage (n): 1- influence or power used to achieve a desired result.
E.g.: His good results gave him a lot of leverage in the salary negotiations.

Censor (v): 1- examine (websites, books, films, etc.) officially and take away parts of it that are considered unacceptable by the government.
E.g.: The government of China censors thousands of websites, so people cannot access them.

Filter (n/v): 1- a device that is used to remove something unwanted from a liquid or gas that passes through it.
E.g.: He uses a filter to filter the water.