F2F Class Notes 11th October (Raph)

Holiday (n): 1- a special day when we don’t have to go to school or to work.
E.g.: I went to Hangzhou during the National Holiday.

Province (n): 1- any one of the large parts that some countries are divided into. 2-
E.g.: Hangzhou is in Zhejiang province.

Capital (n): 1- the city or town where the government and administrative centre of a country or region is.
E.g.: The capital of the United States of America is Washington D.C..

(Original – Edited)

He like eating a lot of. – He likes eating many different things.

Q: Did you stay in Shanghai during the holidays?
A: No, I didn’t
Q: Where did you go?
A: I went to my grandparents home in Hangzhou.