F2F Class Notes 11th November (Raph)
Unemployment (n): 1- the state of not having a job. 2- the total number of people who do not have jobs in a particular place or area
E.g.: Unemployment has been increasing for months.
Security (n): 1- the state of being protected or safe from harm. 2- things done to make people or places safe
E.g.: We must insure our national security
Military (n): 1- of or relating to soldiers or the armed forces (such as the army, navy, marines, and air force)
E.g.: He has had a long military career.
Independent (n): 1- not subject to control by others.
E.g.: The United States became independent from the UK on the 4th of July 1776.
Weapon (n): 1- something (such as a gun, knife, club, or bomb) that is used for fighting or attacking someone or for defending yourself when someone is attacking you.
E.g.: They won not because of their skills, but because they had more sophisticated weapons.
Nuclear Weapons (n): 1- a bomb or missile that uses nuclear energy to cause an explosion.
E.g.: They fear that the country might be able to develop nuclear weapons in the near future
Celebrate (v): 1- to do something special or enjoyable for an important event, occasion, holiday, etc.
E.g.: I’ve been celebrating New Years with my friends for the past four years.
Recommendation (n): 1- a suggestion about what should be done
E.g.: Do you have any recommendations on what to do in Rome?
Pure (n): 1- not mixed with anything else. 2- clean and not harmful in any way
E.g.: The air in Zhejiang is very pure.
Air Purifier (n): 1- 空气净化器
Water rafting (v): 1- 水漂流
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