F2F Class Notes 11th January (Raph)


Concert (n): 1- a music show.
E.g.: I went to a jazz concert with my friends last Friday.

Balcony (n): 1-  an area with a wall or bars around it that is joined to the outside wall of a building on an upper level.
E.g.: We had a drink on the hotel balcony.

Rescue (v): 1- to help someone or something out of a dangerous, harmful, or unpleasant situation.
E.g.: The lifeboat rescued the sailors from the sinking boat.

Photography (n): 1- the activity or job of taking photographs or filming.
E.g.: She’s taking an evening class in photography.

Ethiopia (n): 1- 埃塞俄比亚

Addis Ababa (n): 1- 亚的斯亚贝巴


The good quality camera is very heavy. – Good quality cameras are very heavy.

Live in the hotel – Stay at the hotel.