F2F Class Notes 11th January (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

Yesterday night,I looked a building which is thickly covered with graffiti when I went back home.I believed that easterners and westerners have different views on graffiti.Graffiti is very [o[ular in the west,especially in the subway and doors of shops along the street. People like to express their ides in the form of
hyperbole. However,in China,there are still a large number of people can not accept such an artistic form of expression.

Yesterday night, I looked at a building which was thickly covered with graffiti when I went back home.I believed that asians and westerners have different views / opinions / ideas on graffiti. Graffiti is very popular in the west, especially in the subway and doors of shops along the street. People like to express their ides in the form of hyperbole. However,in China,there are still a large number of people who / that can not accept such an artistic forms / styles of expression.

alternative – the other option / weird or different

browse – “brow zzz”

i just sat around doing whatever 

carriage – a train car
eg. each carriage