F2F Class Notes 11th April (Celeste)

He did his homework at home all day. / He did his homework at home for the whole day. / He did his homework at home for a whole day.

reduce, reuse, recycle = 3 R’s

air  ( sounds like ‘hair’ with no ‘h’)

dozen ( duh zin)

eco-friendly – environementally friendly

ex: We need to buy more products that are eco-friendly.

created ( cree A tid )

materials ( ma tear ee ulls )

kitchen scraps – fruit skins (mangoes), peels (carrots, bananas) pieces of food that we cannot eat

ex: We cannot eat kitchen scraps like banana peels.

comprise ( cum prize) – makes up, to make

ex: SE is comprised of many great teachers and students.

landfill – place where all our trash goes

ex: Landfills are like trash mountains.

product ( prah duct )

production ( pruh duction )

bin – remember to make a short ‘i’ sound

apartment compound – group of apartments

ex: My apartment compound has 8 apartment buildings, a park and a gym.

ferment – something that is not fresh, something that is aged

ex: Beer, wine, cheese, and bread are fermented foods.