F2F Class Notes 10th November (Raph)


Election (n): 1- the act or process of choosing someone for a public office by voting
E.g.: The 2016 US presidential election happened yesterday.

Holy (adj): 1- connected to a god or a religion.
E.g.: This is a holy place for christians.

Catholic (adj): 1- of or relating to the Roman Catholic Church 2- 天主教
E.g.: The Vatican is the center of the Catholic Church.

Interpretation (n): 1- the act or result of explaining or interpreting something : the way something is explained or understood.
E.g.: We had different interpretations of the fact.

Extreme (adj): 1- very great in degree. 2- very serious or severe. 3- very far from agreeing with the opinions of most people : not moderate
E.g.: He has some very extreme opinions about this.

Extremism (n): 1-  belief in and support for ideas that are very far from what most people consider correct or reasonable.
E.g.: Religious extremism is one of the biggest political challenges of our time.

Terrorism (adj): 1- the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal.
E.g.: Terrorism is one of the biggest threats to national security.

Nightmare (adj): 1-  dream that frightens a sleeping person : a very bad dream. 2- a very bad or frightening experience or situation.
E.g.: This situation is a nightmare!