F2F Class Notes 10th December (Tony)


Orange – Orn’j eg: “I like eating oranges.” “I like to eat oranges.”  “I like oranges.”

Violet – Vi Let eg: “Those violet colored pants are nice.”

…ish – a little like or similar to, has the qualities of… – eg: “His car is bluish green.” (a little blue, mostly green)

light – brighter, eg: “He’s wearing a light blue shirt.”

b- little or no light eg: “My friend has very dark skin.” “I just bought a pair of dark red shoes.”

fade – a slow change from one color to another. eg: “My shoes are a little faded, because they are pretty old.” “I dyed my hair red, but it’s a little faded, now it looks pink.”

color atlas – color map, a sample of many colors.

For people, it’s ok to say white, brown or black, but not really any other colors. If you say a black person, that means and African person or African-American (black American).

I want my skin to be lighter

Asian – a person from Asia eg: “Asians are not black or white, but you shouldn’t call them yellow. They often have light brownish skin.”

Patterns: tu an

Solid color – one color, no design or change in colors.

plaid – ge zi – a pattern with a lot of square lines and a few colors.