F2F Class Notes 10th August (Jesse) [3]

Charities are extremely important when some natural disasters happen / occur / take place. Our society needs support and something strong / steadfast / solid to help citizens to get through / overcome / deal with it. As society develops, technology is playing a necessary role to improve the quality of our lives and have a positive effect on the way we live / our way of life / well being and our society as a whole. Green technologies not only help to speed up our evolution / progress as a species but also help to protect the environment. Environmental protection is essential for our economic development / advancement and for supporting / bolstering the health of our environment. History has proven / demonstrated / shown we need many / a large quantity / vast / considerable resources to advance our technology and education. However, sometimes we need to audit ourselves to determine if what we have already done is helpful for the human race / people as a species / humans as a whole.

fight / argue – chao jia

fight / punch each other

Occur / take place / happened
eg. there was an incident which occurred recently between me and a friend
eg2. there was a large quantity of funny situations that occurred  during this olympic games

eg. we will hold the party next Tuesday
eg2. my class was informed to hold a charity event this weekend

steadfast / solid = supportive / well supported
eg. Jesse has a steadfast confidence in his approach / attitude to life
eg2. Your English is solid
eg3. the boy has a family which is a steadfast support network for his life

when it comes to
eg. I like drinks in general but when it comes to coffee, i’m not a fan.
eg2. I’m really good at English but when it comes to Chinese I think I’m just OK.

as a ____ (noun)
eg. we as a couple function really well, but as business partners we’re not as stable
eg2. we as classmates cooperate very well but as colleagues we often argue

– to make stronger / more long-lasting
eg. I eat vegetables and do exercise to bolster my health / immune system

Occur / take place / happened
eg. there is something annoying that occurred recently between our colleagues
eg2. The training will take place between the 20th and 25th of October

Held – organised
eg. the 20th summit will be held in Shanghai

steadfast / solid
eg. our company has a solid relationship with GE
eg2. SE has a steadfast attitude when it comes to the quality of our service

eg. the well-being of our financial situation is determined by the health of the economy
eg2. every company should guarantee the well-being of employees

eg. SE needs to bolster the quality of their staff by hiring some high level teachers
eg2. companies often hold some training to bolster the skillset of their employees

take – ay
technology – eee
live – i / leave – eee
resource – REzorss
resourceful – reZORSful
however – hoWEVer
race – rayss
as a species – put it all together
emPLOYer / employEE
INterviewer / interviewEE

go through – read through – go over – look from the beginning to the end

achievable – describes the ease of achieving a goal
eg. i think this method is very effective and makes my goal of getting to the advanced level very achievable