F2F Class Notes 10th April (Tanya)


chill (slang, 名词)- cool, calm, relaxed

e.g. I always thought Taipei was a very chill city

to work overtime – to work longer than you normally have to, 加班

e.g. Usually, I work from 9am to 5pm, but today I had to work overtime and I had to work until 8pm.

debate – when people discuss a topic and give arguments for their reasoning

e.g. Frank likes to engage in debate with people about whether or not chocolate is the best ice cream flavor.

to engage in something – to start doing something and to be very committed to it

e.g. I like to engage in debates with people.

to be engaged – to have promised to marry someone

e.g. My friend just got engaged, she’s going to marry her boyfriend!

to wipe out – to destroy, to kill, to make something disappear

e.g. Zombies would wipe out humans in 100 days.

apocalypse – the end of the world

e.g. The zombie virus broke out. The apocalypse is near.

personality – 性格 the way a person is (friendly, unfriendly, mean, …)

e.g. I really like that person, he has a very nice personality. He’s always kind to everybody.

to show off – to brag, to want others to see how cool you are or how cool something you have is

e.g. I got a diamond ring and I keep showing it off to my friends.

instant noodles – 方便面

e.g. Instant noodles are a classic food for student.

to devour – to eat (a lot, very fast)

e.g. Zombies just want to devour human flesh

bizarre – strange

e.g. Did you see the guy in the silver batman suit on the subway? It was very bizarre.

to wait something out – to wait until something passes

e.g. We’re waiting out the disaster in the comfort of our own home.