F2F Class Notes 10th April (Raph)[S]


Extract (v): 1- o remove or take out something.
E.g.: The tooth was eventually extracted.

Swollen (adj): 1- larger than usual
E.g.: My face got very swollen after I got my wisdom teeth removed.

Brave (adj): 1- showing no fear; courageous. 2- 勇敢
E.g.: She was very brave to quit her job and start her own business.
E.g.: Brave Heart is one of Sisi’s favorite movies.

Holiday (n): 1- an official day when you do not have to go to work or school.
E.g.: Christmas is my favorite holiday.

Vacation (n): 1- a time when someone does not go to work or school but is free to do what they want, such as travel or relax.
E.g.: We’re taking a vacation in June.

Tent (n): 1- a shelter made of canvas or a similar material and supported by poles and ropes, that you can fold up and carry with you 2- 帐篷
E.g.: We slept in a very small tent, so it wasn’t very comfortable.

Camp (v): 1- to put up a tent and stay in it for a short while, for example while on holiday. 2- 露营
E.g.: Last Chinese New Year, Sisi and her friend camped at the top of Huangshan.

Fun (adj): 1- something nice, enjoyable.
E.g.: There are lots of fun things to do here.

Funny (adj): 1- something that makes you laugh.
E.g.: Do you know any funny jokes?

Skydiving (n): 跳伞

Wisdom Tooth: 智慧

Very bigger. – A lot bigger.


Zombie: /ˈzɑːm.bi/

Brave: /breɪv/

Extract: /ɪkˈstrækt/

Speaking exercise


Last Chinese New Year I with my friend went to Huangshan in my vacation. Huangshan is famous city in China, everything is beautiful, it’s very clean and food is very delicious. I’m foodie, so I go to every city just to find delicious food. I stay Huangshan one week, just go to find delicious food and climb the mountain. We stayed in Huangshan in a tent for two days and it’s very funny, but it’s very cold.


During my vacation last Chinese New Year, me and my friend went to Huangshan, a famous city in China. Everything there is beautiful and very clean, and the food is delicious. I’m foodie, so I go to every city just to find delicious food. Other that eating delicious food, we climbed the mountain and camped for two days. It was very fun, but very cold.