F2F Class Note 14th November (Thea)


I have been in here for …I have been in this city (Shanghai)for

at weekendon the weekend (I enjoy..)

There are less than 30 people working at my office

There are most Chinese Mostly Chinese

The biggest city of a province

Foreigners like cats more than dogs

In the noon At noon

we are responsible for (or) we have the responsibility

Physically storesPhysical stores

In BritishIn England, In the U.K

Womanwomen (plural)

We were in a hotelwe stayed at a hotel (during our holiday)

He majored in technologHis major was technology, he majored in technology

We have one hour restOne-hour lunch break

Shanghai foodShanghainese food

Most of them have kids


Middle-aged people – between young and old age, roughly between 45 and 65.

Reunion – to gather with people you haven’t seen for a long time, commonly used when gathering with old classmates.

We had a very tight schedule – We were very busy, we had a lot of things going on
Scope – to cover a wide scope of things

