Email Service Notes (Tony)

Your Original Email

Hi, Jennifer,

I received your meeting request about discussing August results on 8:30 of Sep 7th morning. But I have another regular meeting with A and B at the same time. I notice A also in your attendance list. May I suggest to change your meeting schedule to 9am after my meeting with A and B.

As to your request to discuss the inventory issue during the monthly BS review meeting, since we have a similar meeting with inventory dept every week, may I suggest to combine these two meeting with everyone to discuss the topic together?

Thanks & rgds

Your Edited Email

Hi Jennifer,

I received your meeting request for September 7th 8:30AM to discuss the August results. But I have another regular meeting with A and B at the same time. I noticed A also in your attendance list. May I suggest changing our meeting to 9am after my meeting with A and B. So that means… we can have the meeting with A at 9am.

(Do you want to change your meeting with her? OUR MEETING? or her meeting with A only? THEIR MEETING?)

As per your request to discuss the inventory issue during the monthly BS review meeting, since we have a similar meeting with inventory dept. every week, may I suggest combining these two meeting with everyone to discuss the topic together? Let me know what you think.

Thanks & rgds

Hey Thandie, I had a few questions about your writing. So I encourage you to discuss this email service in your next class.