Email Service Notes 28th October (Raph)



Among the trend sweeping across the nation: wrong syntactic language on the internet,which indicates that the proper and rigid usage the this traditional language have been fading away and mislead teenagers especially those who are of the 8-12 age group and without the capacity of identification.The hot phrase “lanshou xianggu “sweeping across the internet a few days ago ,which originated from one kind of Guangxi accent ,was not the only type of this kind.Rather than surrounding and watching crazily ,we can instead leave it alone rationally.


A new trend of using syntacticly incorrect language on the internet is sweeping the nation, which indicates that the proper and rigid usage of traditional language is fading away. That can mislead teenagers, especially those in the 8-12 age group, and still don’t have good capacity of judgement. The hot phrase “lanshou xianggu “, which comes from one kind of Guangxi accent and was all over the internet a few days ago, was not the only of this kind. Rather than being bothered by it, we can instead leave it alone rationally.