Open F2F Class Notes_4th May (Harmony)
He is not well, and he will be well – he’ll be well soon/ he is getting better
Cough: when you make noise with your lungs, due to illness, maybe smoke, bad air.
Ex: I have a cold so I cough.
A Cold: a type of illness where your throat is sore and you might have a cough and a runny nose.
Throw Up: when your stomach isn’t happy and the food comes back out your mouth.
Ex: Somebody who likes to eat, but he is afraid of getting fat. So after he eats, he will throw up.
You had a day off work?
- Yes, it was a holiday!
I learn English style is not suited me – The style of English learning was very difficult
How are you?
- I’m fine, and you?
- I am okay, thank you.
- Same old, same old = so so, everything is the same.
Friend asking – you can be honest (tell the truth)
Professional asking (like your boss) – just say “I’m fine thank you, and you?”
What’s up?/ How is your day going?/ Long time no see!
De-sexed: a surgery to stop pets from breeding (from making babies). (Getting snipped)
- Male Pet – Neutered
- Female pet – spayed
In the month I studied English in smart english center. I find my learning style too fast. I haven’t time to remember ling English words. So I decide to write simple sentence and read some English book. This way is very suited me. I bought a book that have many situation dialogue. At first, I want to learn greeting, because the communication start greeting. Good staring is a half of success.
Last month I studied English at smart english center. I found my learning style is too fast. I don’t have time to study English. So I decided to write simple sentences and read some English books. This way is very suitable for me. I bought a book that has many situational dialogues. At first, I wanted to learn greetings, because we communicate first with a greeting. If we have a good start, we are half way to success.
Good starting is a half of success. = Chinglish
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