Open F2F Class Notes_30th May (Harmony)


fall apart:  to break into smaller pieces

  1. My shoes were made of cheap materials so they fell apart.

Eg.  The phone dropped on the floor, so it’s falling apart / it fell apart.

capacity (kah – pah – city)

 a year or the second 6 months – in a year, or a year and a half


The first part year – the first half of the year/ the first 6 months of the year


Brainstorm:  to work with other people to come with new ideas and strategies.

Eg.  There is a TV show named Brainstorm which airs every week.

Eg.  My boss and I will brainstorm a solution.

List:  a written order of things that you need/ things that need to get done.

Eg.  Food list

  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Cheese

Eg.  Task list

  • Answer emails
  • Talk to Cindy
  • Fire Eddie

Delegate:  to assign tasks to other people/ to tell others what to do.

Eg.  My boss delegates tasks to me.


I hadn’t came here to study English about one week, and when I had a class yesterday, I found that my listening status was lower than before, which made me felt a bit of stressful. I know that if I want to get my goal of speaking English fluently at the end of year, I need to pay close attention on learning English. Next year, maybe I will transfer to another team,and the boss is a Japanese, so in order to communicate with her smoothly, I need to exercise English on listening and speaking as often as I can.


I hadn’t come to study English for about one week, and when I had a class yesterday, I found that my listening status was lower than before.  This made me felt a bit of stress/ made me feel stressed. I know that if I want to get to my goal of speaking English fluently at the end of year, I need to pay close attention to learning English. Next year, maybe I will transfer to another team, and the boss is a Japanese person, so in order to communicate with her smoothly, I need to work on listening to and speaking English as often as I can.

Eg.  The boss is Japanese

Eg.  The boss is a Japanese person

Smooth:  something without flaws/errors.  (something flat)

Outfit:  your clothes that you are wearing.

Business Clothes:  clothes that are appropriate for working in an office, and meeting clients.