OpenF2F Class Notes 24 Mar (Trista)

Every day morning

Every morning

I don’t want everything is urgent

I don’t want everything to be rushed

I don’t want everything to become an emergency

I don’t want everything to become urgent

Prioritize (v.) –

Arranging things from most important (urgent) to least important

Priority (n.)

I made the priority list.

The other girl got the job. He gave priority to her because their parents are friends.

My child is my main priority.

Every morning, I like to prioritize my tasks for the day. I give the most priority to urgent tasks with a short deadline, and then work or on projects after. However, even if I plan very well and follow the plan, I still encounter many unexpected urgent tasks from my colleagues. So no matter how much I plan my day, I can’t control what other people will ask me to do at work.

That is why I will late this class

That is why I was late for this class

Important or urgency

I though if I plan my time & works comfortably, i needn’t feel annoying and urgent for time. Maybe I can do the important things first, and then do others things. I will try my best to lead the thing not became urgency.

So,I just have a little thing on work this week, so I almost needn’t to work overtime, which is just my thinks.

Importance or urgency

I thought that if I plan my time & tasks well, i needn’t feel annoyed and pressed for time. Maybe I can do the important things first, and then do others things. I will try my best to control things so that they don’t become urgent.

I only have a few things to work on this week so I don’t need to work overtime, I just need to complete my tasks.

Pressed for time – don’t have very much/enough time

Works – art/ artworks

Tasks- things to do at work

Next time – “so that” grammar