Demo Class Notes (Phyllis – Tibo)


She works as an HR assistant in a luxury company.
She needs to improve her English and her confidence when using English.
She often thinks in Chinese when formulating an answer and it makes her take a long time to answer -> improve flow

Role play of situations she can encounter at work (internal meeting / presentation / Q&A) to improve confidence and vocabulary
Practice on emails to appear more formal and professional and enable her to write emails faster and more efficiently
Conversation about the news to talk about various unexpected topics and get ready for any situation (boost confidence)
Correct grammar as mistakes appear

Listening: 4
Speaking: 3.5
Pronunciation: 4
Writing: 3
1 year

推荐课程(每周)/ Your Recommended Course (Weekly)

F2F: 2

Writing: 2

Speaking exercise

I born in SH and I work at a luxury brand as HR assistant
My daily work is I am taking responsibility of recruitment and monthly reports.
Sometimes I will use at HR meetings and do presentations in English and I need to use english in the email communication.
Our director is based in HK and she came from Paris so that is why I come to here.
listen and reading are ok but I am nervous at speaking in English.
I would do it better when I am prepared but in a meeting you will be asked questions and I am nervous
For emails I want it to be like a business email not just express what I want to say.

I want more formal vocabulary.
I just watch some TV series and do some sports at home at yoga.

I was born in SH and I work in a luxury brand as an HR assistant
During my daily work I am taking responsibility of recruitment and monthly reports.
Sometimes I will use English at HR meetings and do presentations in English and I need to use english in the email communication. / I write emails in English

Our director is based in HK and she comes from Paris / she is French so that is why I come here.
My listening and reading are ok but I am nervous when speaking in English.
I would do it better when I am prepared but in a meeting you will be asked questions and I am nervous  / I always get worried about the Q&A session
For emails I want it to be like a business email / I want to make my emails more formal / more professional not just to express what I want to say.

I want more formal vocabulary.
I just watch some TV series and do some sports at home like yoga.

The museum underwater is scary but Disneyland is wonderland / offers a great experience.
We had a company team building today in Disneyland and I left the park earlier to get to this lesson. / to come here

now we have several open positions in 5 cities.
We have about 5 sales assistant positions we are looking to fill / we have 5 positions that are still open
We have some candidates in the final rounds but we feel they are not satisfactory and are still looking for more candidates. / for better profiles
It is hard to make the final decision because we need to communicate with the retail directors.
The turn over rate of this year is higher than last year due to Covid 19. Employees were willing to keep their job last year / employees were worried about quitting due to the difficult job market last year but they may want to change their job this year. / but maybe they will change their job this year

I don’t think our salary scheme is competitive compared to the other brands.

Writing exercise

The HR director asked you to send a report to her.
Write an email and attach the report.

Writing exercise

  • greeting (Hi Tom / Dear Mr Smith /…)
  • a compliment (I hope you had a nice week end / I really enjoyed your presentation on … / I hope this email finds you well)
  • the reason for your email (I am writing to you about …)
  • a call to action (Could you please …? / Would you mind …?) + deadline
  • a closing message (Thank you in advance / I am looking forward to hearing from you…)
  • signature (Best regards , name ….)Dear/Hi Nathalie,I hope you had a nice week end.
    I am writing to you about the report you asked last week.
    You can find it attached. / please find it attached to the email

    Let me know if you have any questions

    Best regards.


Dear Tom,

Thank you for coming to the interview yesterday.

I regret to tell you after consideration we decided not to continue for a third of interview with you.
Thank you for your interest in our company.
We have many other open position that might be a better fit for you and wish you the best in the future.

Best regards …


Cyprus (n) 塞浦路斯
They went to Cyprus for the holiday

compliment (v/n) something nice you say to someone
I complimented my friend on her outfit
My boss gave me a compliment on my report


use articles (the/a) with singular nouns
I went to the hospital

do not use articles with names
I went to Huashan hospital

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