Demo Class Notes (Justin – Jesse)


– 7.5 years old / 7 and a half years old. Currently he can speak short sentences and understand simple, direct questions, but cannot make long sentences when speaking, and forgets many words he has learned before. Pronunciation is quite good in most areas but has some problems with AEIOU, and connection reading.

In class: watch Mr Bean videos and speak about the videos using words from the videos, learn to make long sentences using conjunctions (and, but, so, because, when), and correct grammar and pronunciation mistakes. At home: watch Mr Bean videos and write about them using the grammar and vocabulary from class. After 3 months: start to do connection pronunciation and more advanced sentences and vocabulary

Mr Bean kids English course

Listening: 1.5
Speaking: 0.75
Pronunciation: 1.75
Writing: 1
1 year

推荐课程(每周)/ Your Recommended Course (Weekly)

F2F: 2

Writing: 2


Today I wake up at 7 o’clock. (wake / woke)

I eat egg and milk at morning at 7:30 (eat / ate)

he’s so hot. he eats ice cream.

I want to eat ice cream


He lines up
He pushes in line 

He is at the park


an + a / e / i / o / u
an apple
an ice cream

a / an dog

play – plaaeeee
nay – naaeee
name – naeeem

late – layyyt

Speaking exercise

He walking in the park. He wants the ice cream. He sees the ice cream car. He walking get the ice cream car because today it is so hot

He is walking in the park. He wants some ice cream. He sees an ice cream car. He is running to get to the ice cream car because today it is so hot.

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