Demo Class Notes (Lily – Jesse)

Speaking exercise

i have just traveled in the thailand and i has traveled in many cities in our china.

in Taiwan you know that the south area always has many interesting palace so one day i go to the kending, i go to kending with my classmates and then in the store the keeper ask me a question he ask me have you ever been quarrel with the taiwan people im so curious why he ask me this problem. i say no i have never meet this people and then she tell me if you meet this people dont worry about that, most taiwan people is respect our relationship.

i have just traveled in / took a trip / went on a holiday to thailand and i have traveled in many cities in china.

in Taiwan you know that there are many interesting / splendid / fascinating / awesome places in southern / south Taiwan so one day i went to kending with my classmates and then in the store the shopkeeper / shop assistant asked me a question that “have you ever quarreled / fought / argued with a taiwanese person?” im so curious why he asked me this question. i said no, and that i have never met this kind of person and then she told me if you meet this kind of person dont worry about that, because most taiwanese people will respect our relationship.

past tense / chinglish sentences / simple vocabulary


said – “sed

says – “sez

say – “say


question / problem
a question is what you ask someone
a problem is something wrong that you need to fix

ever – makes sth stronger
eg. this is the best tea I have EVER had

with the time pass by with time passing by / as time passes 

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