VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

This Friday I will go to Chongqing for 3 days. I like eat hotpot so I just plan to chongqing to eat hotpot.

This is my first time. I just plan to eat but I didn’t plan where we should go.
have you been here?

Shanghai has too many building

in China there are no place like Thailand
My coworkers plan to Xinjiang this month and other co workers plan to Xinjiang in November because they want to ski

2 years ago I went to Bali in Indonesia. This place I think is nice, last year I went to Saba I felt Bali is better than Sapa

Between Yunnan and Sichuan there is a lake named Lugu lake and there is another name .
This minority is women will work and

In a family all the people need to obey the oldest women.

this place in Yunnan I first time travel so I felt special.

we cannot get used to it but maybe chongqing people can.

some people who went to Hokkaido they thought skiing inXinjiang is same like skiing in Hokkaido>

In ancient china people were not allowed to have the same name as the king / no one could share the name of the king.


This Friday I will go to Chongqing for 3 days. I like to eat/like eating hotpot so I just plan to go to chongqing/ I planned a trip to eat hotpot.

This is my first time. I just plan to eat but I didn’t plan where we should go. / I mostly want to go there for hotpot and I haven’t planned the rest yet.
have you been there?

Shanghai has too many buildings / there are too many Shanghai in buildings so it is hard to get a clean view / many buildings obstruct the view you get in Shanghai

in China there are no place like Thailand  / there isn’t anything similar to Thailand in China.

My coworkers plan to travel to Xinjiang this month and other co workers plan to go there in November because they want to ski

2 years ago I went to Bali in Indonesia.  I think this place is nice, last year I went to Sapa but/however I felt Bali is better than Sapa

Between Yunnan and Sichuan there is a lake named Lugu lake and there is a minority living there. It is also called the Kingdom of women.
in this minority women will work and have a higher status than men./ it is a matriarchal society

In a family all the people need to obey the oldest women. / the matriarch is the head of the family.

When I first traveled to this place in Yunnan it felt special. / I had a special feeling when I travelled to this place in Yunnan for the first time.

we cannot get used to it but maybe chongqing people can. / maybe the locals can.

some people who went to Hokkaido think skiing in Xinjiang is similar to skiing in Hokkaido.

I have never been to Hokkaido


to obstruct (v) : block 遮挡
There is a new high rise building in front of our apartment it obstruct our view on the bund
The project was obstructed by the new rules

seniority (n) 年长
Seniority is very important in Asia

status (n) : social position/ current situation 地位
In many places your status depends on your seniority

to explore (v) : discover new places
In some destinations there is nothing to explore

Hokkaido (n) 北海道
I have never been to Hokkaido

matriarchal (n) Woman driven system
It is a matriarchal society.

matriarch (n) : woman head of family or tribe
I went to talk to the matriarch when I arrived in the village

patriarchal  (n)
Man driven system
ancient China was a patriarchal society

patriarch (n) : man head of family
My grandpa behaves like a patriarch

ancient (adj) : very old / from a long time ago
In ancient China only special people could wear yellow.

traditional (adj) / not modern 民俗
they wear traditional clothes

Sapa 沙巴
I travelled to Sapa

to ski (v) 化学
I went skiing in the mountains 

to skate (v)  滑冰
I went skating in Shanghai

South East Asia (n)东南亚
I want to travel to South East Asia

altitude (n) : 海拔
The plane was flying at high altitude


here -> where you are right now
are planning planning to come to SH = are you planning to come here?

there -> another place
have you been to Chongqing? = have you been there?


patriarch (say patriark)