F2F Class Notes 25th October (Raph)

Translate (v): 1- to change from one language to another.
E.g.: My Harry Potter book was translated from English to Chinese.

Population (n): 1- the number of people who live in a place.
E.g.: The population of Australia is smaller than the population of Shanghai.

City (n): 1- a place where people live that is larger or more important than a town : an area where many people live and work
E.g.: Shanghai is the largest city in China.

Cereal (n): a breakfast food made from grains.
E.g.: Iris’ mother eats cereal for breakfast everyday.

Attendance (n): 1- the number of people present at an event, meeting, etc.
E.g.: Before the start of class, the teacher always checks the attendance to make sure that everyone is there.

Etc. = Etcetera = ……

I’m not a fan of Math. = I don’t really like Math.

Days of the Week:

Monday – Yesterday
Tuesday – Today
Wednesday – Tomorrow

There are seven days in a week. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

There are two days in a weekend. They are Saturday and Sunday.

(Original – Edited)

Because my homework is very, very some – Because I have a lot of homework.

Chinese people population is very very some. – The Chinese population is very big.

People is very big. – There are too many people.