2xF2F Class Notes (Vicki)


vowel groups 

-y (ai)
cry 哭, fly 飞, fry 薯条, guy 男生, dry 干的, spy 间谍
Did you spy on the guy?

-igh (ai)
night 夜晚, flight 飞行/航班, high 高, knight 骑士, light 灯, right 正确
I turned off my night light.

-oa (ooo)
boat 船, loaf 整块面包, float 漂浮, coat 外套, road 路, toast 吐司
Jack floats his boat in the water.

-oe (ooo)
doe 小鹿, toe 脚趾, Joe 乔, hoe 锄头, tiptoe 蹑手蹑脚, aloe 芦荟
Joe stubbed 撞 his toe on the hoe.

-ue (uuu)
rescue 救援, glue 胶水, clue 线索, blue 蓝色, tissue 抽纸, argue 争吵
I saw a blue clue on the ground.

-ui (uuu)
fruit 水果, suit 西装, bruise 淤青, juice 果汁
I spilled a little fruit juice on my suit.

-ew (uuu)
chew 咀嚼, grew 长大, screw 螺丝, dew 露水, blew 吹, brew 煮
Mom blew on the stew to cool it off.


board -画板

paper -纸

sketch – 素描

water color - 水彩

palate -调色板

rubber/eraser - 橡皮

color -色彩

grey -灰色

warm color -暖色

cool color -冷色

line -线

straight line -直线

curve line -曲线

space -空间

size -体积

soft -柔和

sharp -尖锐

geometry -几何

cube -正方体

sphere -圆体

circle -圆形

square -正方形

rectangle -长方形

triangle -三角形

oval -椭圆

diamond -菱形

studio -画室

creation /work -作品

create -创作/创新制作