2xF2F Class Notes (Vicki)


review the words and pronunciation


r-blend sound

cream 奶油, cry 哭, crack 裂开, crawl 爬, crown 王冠, crust 披萨边
The crown fell off 掉下来 my head and cracked in half 一半.

drive 驾驶, dress 连衣裙, drill 电钻, drip 滴, dream 梦, drum 鼓
Mom gets dressed 穿衣服 and drives to work each day 每一天.

freckle 雀斑, fruit 水果, frown 皱眉, frame 相框, friends 朋友, frog 青蛙
My friend, Frank, has freckles on his face.

grapes 葡萄, gravy 肉汁, grade 成绩, groceries 日用品, grin 坏笑, grass 草
The green grass is growing 成长.

princess 公主, print 打印, price 价格, prince 王子, prize 奖品, present 礼物
He gave 给 the princess a present.

trick 把戏, trunk 箱子, tree 树, truck 卡车, train 火车, tractor 拖拉机
The tractor pulls 拉 the tree.

broke 坏了/碎了, braces 牙套, breakfast 早餐, broom 扫帚, brush 刷, braid 编头发
I brush my teeth after 在。。之后 breakfast.

silent e

wave 海浪, date 日期, face 脸, cape 斗篷, cane 拐杖, wake 醒来
I wake up and wash 洗 my face.

wipe 擦, nine 九, bite 咬, dice 骰子, file 文件, hide 躲藏
Miles rolled 滚 nine dice.

home 家, rope 绳子, poke 戳, cone 蛋筒, robe 浴袍, note 笔记
Jan made 制作 an ice cream 冰激凌 cone at home.

mule 骡子, cube 立方体, tube 管, tune 音调, fume 味道, dune 荒漠
The mule ate an ice cube

vowel groups

-ai (aaaa)
pail 沙滩桶, paint 颜料/画画, sail 帆船, rain 雨, mail 信, train 火车
The man painted the train in the rain.

-ay (aaaaa)
play 玩耍, hay 干草, pay 付钱, pray 祈祷, ray 束, tray 托盘
The dog played all day in the hay.

-ea (eeeeee)
tea 茶, leaf 树叶, read 阅读, eat 吃, leak 泄漏, beads 珠子
I like to read and drink tea.

-ee  (eeeee)
see 看见, seed 种子, feed 喂养, three 三, sleep 睡觉, peek 偷看
Mac likes to feed his three goats.

-ie (ai)
tie 领带, pie 派, flies 苍蝇, die 骰子, fries 薯条, cried 哭
Three big flies flew in the pie.