2xF2F Class Notes (Vicki)


l-blend sound 

blanket 毯子, blender 榨汁机, blimp 飞艇, blizzard 暴风雪, blocks 积木, blew 吹
The blue blanket blew away.

clean 干净, clothes 衣服, clam 贝壳, clown 小丑, clock 钟, cloud 云
The clowns put on clean clothes.

flower 花, float 漂浮, floor 地板, flame 火焰, floss 牙线, flag 旗子
The flower floats on the water.

glasses 眼镜, glue 胶水, glow 发光, glove 手套, globe 地球仪, glad 高兴
I put on my glasses and gloves

play 玩, plant 植物/种植, plumber 下水道工人, plug 塞子, pliers 老虎钳, plow 铲雪
Dad plants flowers and plays with me.

不发音字母 silent sounds
mb ->m
i.e. climb, lamb
kn ->n
i.e. knock, knife

s-blend sounds 

swing 秋千, sweat 流汗, swan 天鹅, sweater 毛衣, swamp 沼泽, sweep 扫地
The swan swims in the swamp.

-st (sd)
sting 叮咬, stem 花茎, storm 暴风雨, stain 污渍, stew 炖菜, stool 小板凳
I sit on the stool and stir the stew.

-sp (sb)
spy 间谍, spoon 勺子, space 空间/宇宙, sports 运动, spill 打翻, spot 点
Milk spills off my spoon.

sneeze 打喷嚏, snore 打呼, snack 零食, snail 蜗牛, snake 蛇, snow 雪
The snake eats a snack.

smile 微笑, smore 巧克力棉花糖夹心饼, smart 聪明, smell 闻, smoke 烟/抽烟, small 小的
The small girl smiles at me.

-sk (sg)
ski 滑雪, sky 天空, skate 溜冰, skunk 臭鼬, skip 蹦跳, skirt 短裙
I skip and skate to school.

-sc (sg)
scarf 围巾, scoop 冰激凌球, scuba 浮潜, scale 称, scooter 滑板车, scab 结疤
I fell off my scooter and got a scab on my arm.

sleeve 袖子, sleigh 雪橇, slipper 拖鞋, slice 片, sleep 睡觉, slide 滑
I slide off my slippers and go to sleep.

当原音隔一个字母遇到e, 原音读字母本身音

oo -> wuuuuuuuu


away – 离开

Speaking exercise

Good afternoon, teachers. It’s an honour to take part in this interview. Let me introduce myself. My name is Liu Rongliang. I come from Gansu. I graduated from Chongqing University oil-painting major. After graduation, I taught as an art teacher in Xinjiang for one year. I have great passion for art and I want to be an artist. Painting is my current expression method, but I still need to explore the theoretical side of the subject. I hope to learn from everyone and thank you.