2F2F Class Notes (Ally)


feud: 长期不和; 争吵不休; 世仇; 夙怨
ie. feud in the workplace, family feud …

latter: adj. (刚提及的两者中)后者的; 后面的; (系列中)最后的,末尾的; 后半期的;

rack: 支架; 架子;

off the rack: average clothing

counterproductive: 产生相反效果; 事与愿违; 适得其反

bottom line

“set in stone”: cannot be broken

eliminate: 排除; 清除; 消除; (比赛中)淘汰; 消灭,干掉(尤指敌人或对手);

longevity: 长寿; 长命; 持久

Speaking exercise

The amount who will do a transaction is only 20%
The transactions from mini program accounts for 20% of our total.

There are only 20% of customers who purchase through our mini program.
Only 20% of customers purchase through our miniprogram. 

if you find the selling is not our expected
if you find the sales performance under our expectations

you cannot provide the amount of the discount more than 80%.
you cannot offer a discount of more than 20%.

we want to get customer’s phone number as more as possible
we want to get/collect customer’s phone number as much as possible
…collect as many customer’s numbers as we can/possible.

the thing we only can do
the only thing we can do

  1. amount of discount: cannot be lower than 80%, developing other ways*hw
  2. items: what things can be improved? *hw
  3. time: when? how many times in a year? should we comply(v) with the Ali timeline? *hw
  4. gwp
  5. services: tailoring, dry-cleaning…

Writing exercise

Edit: (tell me what the mistake is, why you made it, fix it)
they are of quite large amount of products ——— they have quite a large amount of products.
i don’t think it can be called cafe at this time ———— I don’t think it can be called a(as) café at this time.
maybe I remembered it wrong ———— I remembered it wrongly / I took it wrong / I got it wrong.
the objective is to let other teams introduce the ways they’re working ———— not quite sure about the mistake
there would be a post telling about this ———— There will be a post telling about this ? (I am tring to use the subjective mood, I think I’m making a hypothesis about this)
that’s also another thing bothers us ———— that’s also another thing that bothers us / that’s also another thing bothering us.
that provides a lot of limitations for our campaigns ———— Maybe I should change the verb provide to cause or something else?