2F2F Class Notes (Ally)


que sera sera: whatever will be, will be

evacuate: 撤离; (把人从危险的地方)疏散; 转移; (从危险的地方)撤出; 撤空; 排空(胃肠); 排泄(粪便
ie. They evacuated the 1788 building.

threat: 威胁; 恐吓; 凶兆; 征兆; 构成威胁的人; 形成威胁的事物

property: 所有物; 财产; 财物; 不动产; 房地产; 房屋及院落; 庄园; 性质
ie. This is the property of Annie.

asset: 有价值的人(或事物); 有用的人(或事物); 资产; 财产
ie. His assets are worth over 1 billion.

indifferent: no preference

vending machine: 售货机

instant noodles:方便面

crunchy: 硬脆的; 爽脆的; 松脆的


dangle: 悬垂; 悬挂; 悬荡; 悬摆; 提着(某物,任其自然下垂或摆动); 来回摆动着
ie. My boss keeps dangling the raise in my face.

vomit/throw up: tu
ie. I threw up yesterday after eating the salmon.

style (v): style your hair

hype/craze/rave: 炒作; 夸张地宣传(某事物)
ie. Dating shows are the hype/craze/rave these days.

macho man: 硬派男子汉; 纯爷们儿 muscular

nudity: 裸体

chemistry: 化学反应

in the same boat: 处于相同的倒霉境地; 同病相怜


SVO, and/then/so/but/however, SVO

Speaking exercise

live through them

We are too many people.
There are too many people.
China’s population is too large/dense.

I’m indifferent.

Lots of people will come haggle./negotiate the price with you.

Wanting to be friends with Annie, I sent her an invitation.
I want to be friends with Annie so I sent her an invitation.

Waiting for my offer, I started work at another company first.


The China Consumers Association is unhappy with fast food chain KFC, which is collaborating with Chinese blind box producer Pop Mart to sell a product by dangling a secret toy.

For 99 yuan ($15.56), customers can order a regular KFC chicken bucket or go for a co-branded one, which comes with a blind box containing a Dimoo, Pop Mart’s original figurine. And if they are very lucky, the blind box could throw up a secret Dimoo. There are more than 260,000 pieces of seven types of toys — six specially designed KFC-themed Dimoo figurines, and the secret Dimoo.

Everyone seems to have a particular favorite Dimoo, for which some are willing to buy any number of buckets. It is particularly hard for those who want the secret Dimoo, the possibility of finding which is said to be 1 in 72.

The CCA criticized KFC on Wednesday, saying this kind of hunger marketing will make people buy more food than they need, leading to wastage of food.

The CCA  feared the hype over Dimoo will trigger excessive consumption habits, even making people pay for others to have the special bucket and send them the Dimoo or just blindly buy dozens of buckets to collect a full set of the blind box figurines.

Well, a full set of 6 conventional KFC Dimoo, or just one secret KFC Dimoo, is already selling for more than 600 yuan on a second-hand trading app.

People should see through this second-hand trade in blind boxes at much exorbitant prices. Maybe it is time to once again tell people to be rational in their consumption and to think twice before spending their money in this manner.

Not long ago a hype was built around “limited edition” shoes, with dealers stocking up on them and suffering losses when there were few customers willing to pay the huge price for the shoes.

Those pinning their hopes on the blind box rush would do better to think again.


Writing exercise

With the end of 2021,Tesla CEO Elon Musk becomes the biggest winner, and/then/so / … . His wealth increased by $121 billion(about 771.3 billion RMB). According to the Bloomberg billionaire index,Musk’s property/assets are worth $277 billion(about1765.6 billion RMB),making him the richest person in the world.