F2F Class notes 29th June (Eddie)

workaholic n = a person who works very much

alcohol = beer, wine, whiskey, brandy, etc

alcoholic adj = which contains alcohol (alcoholic drink)
alcoholic n = a person who drinks a lot

When I went my home, the company have many people still there. – When I left the office at about 7:15pm, there were still a lot of people there.

they have 100 history – it is a 100-year old company / the company was started / founded 100 years ago

cleaning products =

I don’t know what they are. – I don’t know them very well yet. / It’s too early to tell what they’re like.

Q: How’s your new job? / What’s your new job like?

What is it like to have the best job in the world?

ineffective =/= effective

You can’t win. = there is no positive way out of this

fingers crossed = for luck / I hope this happens

for night – during the night

E.g. It gets really cold during the night.

‘de sert = a place with a lot of sand, and very little vegetation

de ‘ssert =
something sweet we eat after a meal