VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


short vowel e 

bed, red, fed, wed
I fed the red hen and then went to bed.

hen, ten, pen, men, den
I have ten pens in my desk.

pet, jet, net, wet, vet
I took my pet to the vet.

neck, deck, check, peck
The little bird pecked at the wood deck.

bell, cell, smell, yell, well, sell
The girl yelled into the well.

bend, send, spend, lend, blend
I lend some money to Tom to spend.

rest, test, chest, nest, vest
The baby bird rested in the nest.

1. 当st作为单词开头的时候,t发音变成d,st -sd
i.e. stand, stop, stay, steal
2. 当sp作为单词开头的时候,p发音变成b,sp -sb
i.e. spend, spot, space, splash
3. 当sk或者sc作为单词开头的时候,k或者c发音变成g,sk/sc -sg
i.e. skate, school, sky, scale


then – 然后
i.e. I wake up and then brush my teeth.

steal – 偷
i.e. The dog steals the food.

rest – 休息
i.e. I need to rest.


Bunny Boy 

Bunny Boy was a white rabbit. He was a happy rabbit. Bunny Boy liked to play with Anny and Ned. He liked to play with Spot, the cat and Jack, the dog. They all liked Bunny Boy. What fun they had! One day Bunny Boy was playing in the year with Spot and Jack. Bunny found a big hole under the house. “What a big hole!” he said. “I will hide in it. Spot and Jack cannot find me.” So Bunny jumped into the hole. Down, down, down to fell. “Oh, oh!” said Bunny Boy. “How black it is down here! I am all black, too.”

“Where is Bunny Boy?” said Ned. “Where is Bunny Boy?” said Anny. “Oh, dear! Where can he be?” They looked and looked for him. They looked in the house and in the yard. They looked up and down the street. Mother and Father looked. Spot and Jack looked. But no one could find Bunny Boy.

Then Mother said, “We must go to dinner now.” They all went into the house, but Anny and Ned were not happy. They did not want any dinner. They wanted their rabbit. All at once Jack said, “Bow-wow!” Then he ran to the door. Spot ran to the door, too. Something was there. What was it?

Father ran and opened the door. There sat a rabbit. “Oh, look!” said Anny. “It is a rabbit.” “But it is not Bunny Boy,” said Ned. “It is not a white rabbit.” Just then the rabbit saw Spot. Hop, hop, hop it went to her. Guess what Spot did.

“Oh, oh!” said Ned. “Look at Spot! She is washing the rabbit. She is washing the black away. It is a white rabbit. It is Bunny Boy!” Then they all laughed. “Oh, Bunny Boy,” said Anny, “how did you get so black?” Ned said, “I can guess.” Anny said, “I can guess, too.”