VIP Class Notes (Tony) [R]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.



how do you say…

the food is bigger in beijing

What are you drinking?

I don’t know how to say..  It’s like milk.

Oh, so you’re drinking milk?

No, just LIKE milk.

What is your job?

I’m a security analyst.

What kind of company do you work for?

A financial company / A security fund company.

What company do you work for?

Wen Jia Fund

What company sells things online in China?

Alibaba sells things online in China.

cough – ke sou

eg: I have a cough, I need some medicine.

bacteria – xi jun, some small living things, can be inside your body

eg: Some bacteria is good for you.

antibiotics – kill the bacteria. some medicine, that will kill all the small things living in your body.

eg: Antibiotics will kill all the bacteria in your system. So they can be dangerous, some of the bacteria is good for you.

probiotic – good bacteria. usually a drink or food like yogurt

eg: It’s some drink like milk, but it has probiotics.

eg: I’m drinking a probiotic drink.

honey – feng mi

eg: Honey is good with almost every drink.

bug – a small insect, usually that bothers you.

eg: These bugs are annoying, can we go somewhere else?

bug – some bacteria that will make you sick

eg: I think I got a bug from someone at work. Many people were coughing all day.

superbug – like a very strong cold, but could kill someone or many people

eg: Doctors are worried about superbugs. Maybe they don’t have medicine for them.

soothe – to make some pain or uncomfortable feeling go away

eg: We drink a thing called, Pi Pa, to soothe the throat when you’re sick. I don’t know what it’s called in English.

remedy – a medicine or something you do, to help with small health problems.

eg: What remedy is there for a cold?

Sleeping and drinking a lot of water is a remedy for a cold.


cough – kAAf

tough – Tuff