VIP Class Notes (Tony)


I (Do this) when I am (ADJ)
I eat ice cream when I am sad.

I learned to speak Chinese when I was in Beijing. But I still can’t speak fluently, so I still study Chinese every day.

I’m stuck in a meeting.

I’m stuck with Alex all day.

We are stuck with each other.

we got it checked (To have someone check for you)

eg: We got out car checked, because it had a problem.

eg: I need to get my back checked. It really hurts.

eg: I got my throat checked at the hospital. They said there were no problems.

eg: I didn’t get checked.

eg: I didn’t get checked anything. – I didn’t get anything checked.

throat – inside your neck

eg: He has a sore throat.


When do you do it?

I go to the hospital.
I drink coffee when I work.

I went to the hospital.
I went to America 2 years ago.
I cooked for my friends.
I stuck my book in my bag.

I’ve been to America.
I’ve never seen a beach.
I’ve worked in a cake studio.
HAVE DONE in the PAST – at least one time in the past, you have done this thing.

I will go to the hospital.
I will build a city model for myself.

I am going to the hospital.
I’m eating hot pot.


I study English.
I study English with a perfect teacher in the evenings.

I studied English.
I studied English with a good teacher for 3 years in China.

I’ve been to America.
I’ve been to America in the summer. I stayed in California. The weather is wonderful.

I will study English.
I will study English on that website for 10 hours a week.

I’m studying English.
I’m studying English with a handsome teacher in JingAn temple.