VIP Class Notes (Tony)


about every 2 months

I will get his opinion

I didn’t get the surgery

Get a 2nd opinion

eg: My sister almost got surgery on her jaw, because her teeth were really hurting. But, she got a second opinion, and that dentist said she didn’t need it.

comments – write or say what you think about something

eg: Do you have any comment about this?

eg: My chief wants me to give my comments on the case after they read it.

input – giving your opinion about a topic, problem or solution

eg: Sometime they wanna hear our input if they can’t figure out the problem.

diagnose – doctors find the problem with patients.

eg: The doctor diagnosed him with a broken arm. But of course he already knew that.

eg: He was diagnosed with diabetes. It must have been from all the sugar and soda he consumes.

symptom – a sign of a problem

eg: He had all the symptoms of the flu, but he was not sick. The doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with him.

eg: Chest pain is a symptom of many problems.

eg: Many things could be causing chest pain.

coma – when a patient is unresponsive, and basically asleep. For an indefinite time.

eg: He was in a coma for 10 days after the car crash.

eg: If you want to induce a coma, you need to go to HuaShan hospital.


There are a few reasons they would do that.

sometimes they want to share their cases with other doctors.

sometimes they wanna check the younger doctors.

sometimes they want advice/opinions from other doctors

we had not enough doctors – We didn’t have enough doctors