VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]


talk about an interesting Japanese commercial

Today we focused on:

more relaxed

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work on sequencing + summarizing techniques to gain clarity

Speaking exercise

A typical self driving firm closed down, there is lots of problems about this technology to be used widely. The main problem is the machines is not able to talk with the unusual situation like a people wearing strange clothes passing the road but the machine cannot realize that it is a person maybe an object.


A typical self driving firm closed down, there are/were lots of problems about this technology for it to be used widely.  / there are a lot of roadblocks to the wide adoption of this tech.
The main problem is that machines are not able to handle/cope with unusual situations like  people wearing strange clothes or costumes crossing the road. In this situation the machine cannot realize that it is a person  and thinks it is maybe an object. / the machine doesn’t recognize them as humans.

Speaking exercise

1: describe
A woman was cooking in the kitchen and then a handsome man came in and the man start to clean the kitchen and the floor. The woman saw the man clean the floor and started to dance then she realized the man is not that handsome and in the last scene it shows that women likes men who clean. / a message appears and it reads women like men who clean


A woman was cooking in the kitchen and realized she left a food stain and then a 3D handsome man came in and the man started to clean the kitchen and the floor. The woman saw the man clean the floor and started to dance then she realized the man was not that handsome/ and at the last scene it shows that the women likes men who clean.

2: meaning / message
It is helpful when you have this man to clean the house.
The product could help you to remove the stains easily

3: target / China?
They sell to women because traditionally women always do the housework
It is funny but maybe the visual image can be more modern. and the stain is not that realistic.

They sell to women because traditionally women usually do the housework
It is funny but maybe the special effects could  be more modern/ better and the stain is not that realistic.

A women is driving a car and she receives a call from a man. the next scene changed to an ocean, the woman was protecting whales and a woman was attacked by a whale and she flied away and hit a boat.

and the woman received a message to save the trees and she climbed the tree at the moment a man cut the tree and the woman dropped down the cliff

Then the woman started the next mission to save the ice caps she stood on the ice caps and planted a sign then the ice caps broke apart and she falls off the ice cap.

the woman is told to save the rhinos and it chases her and hit her with it’s horn and it is the end

A women is driving a car and she receives a call from a man. the next scene moves to an ocean, the woman is protecting whales and she is attacked by a whale and she is sent flying away and hits a boat.

then the woman receives a message to save the trees and she climbs the tree at that moment a lumberjack cuts the tree and the woman dropped down the cliff

Then the woman starts the next mission to save the ice caps she stands on the ice caps and plants a sign then the ice caps breaks apart and she falls off the ice cap.

the woman is told to save the rhinos and it chases her and hits her with it’s horn and it is the end
Driving this car is easier than going around the world to save the planet.

It is a good one , it is very impressive and it is funny.


environment (n):nature
we need to save the environment

footprint (n) : è„šå°
I tried to reduce my environmental footprint by using the bicycle instead of driving.👣

horn (n)角
Horns are very expensive

savanna (n): African plain with few trees
Rhinos live in the savanna
lumberjack : (n) : someone who cuts trees for a living
Tom is a lumberjack

rhino (n) animal with 2 horns
I saw a rhino in a zoo

to plant : to put on/ in the ground
I planted some trees when I was a student

cliff (n) 悬崖
I drove carefully because I didn’t want to fall off the cliff

commercial(n) : tv ad
The Kia car commercial was funny

unpredictable (adj) : impossible to guess
Some Japanese tv ads are unpredictable

to predict (v) : to guess the future
I predict that it will rain tomorrow

special effects (n): special fake things in movies
The new marvel movies have very special effects

picky (adj) : paying attention to small things and making life difficult
Tom is very picky, I hate having dinner with him.

monsoon (n) : rainy season
I was in Thailand during the monsoon

traditionally (adv)
We traditionally produce tables, they are all done by hand

tradition (n): what people usually do in a culture
It is a tradition to eat KFC for Christmas in Japan

My parents are very traditional they don’t like tattoos

stain (n): mark
I had to change my shirt because I made a food stain while eating soup

to stain (v) : to make a mark
I was fired from my job and it stained my CV.

to read : to say in writing
the message reads : smoking is forbidden


watching movies is a common hobby : hobby that everyone has
we have some hobbies in common : we have the same hobbies

to talk about things happening at the same time:

while:at the same time
I am working while they are sleeping

as (process)
as the economy improves people will make more money


unusual (日 sound)
