VIP Class Notes (Nick) [W]

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Do not pass Go and do not collect $200 – usually in the game of monopoly when you go once around the board you collect $200, but if you want someone to stop, or to tell them that they have screwed up and should do something again, you can say this

Humpty Dumpty – a human-like egg-person from a nursery rhyme:

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again

Armchair philosophy / philosopher – just sitting around and thinking and talking without having any experience of the world
e.g. Heidi’s yoga teacher is sort of an “armchair yoga teacher.”

Diplomacy – the relations between countries 外交

Improvise – to make something up as you go along
e.g. It’s not a great idea to improvise a workshop in your non-native language.

However – like a formal version of “but,” followed immediately by a change of idea
Though – when used at the beginning of a sentence, it can show that some kind of change of idea will be coming later
e.g. The hip has the potential for a nearly 360-degree ROM.
— However, this ROM must be used in a controlled manner to avoid damage to the joint.
— Used without control though, the potential of this extensive ROM can actually damage the joint.

Flop – to fall down onto a chair, couch, or the ground, letting your body go loose
e.g. When he comes home from work, he is very tired and can’t do any more than flop down into his armchair (not for thinking though, because he’s tired)

Lei – a flower necklace like they give you in Hawaii

Writing exercise

I believe that you have heard a lot about hip-opener/open hip. What is that means of hip-opener? (What do they think) The hip joint is a ball-and-socket synovial joint, which means your leg can do almost 360 degree / angle movement. However, ideally we want your leg to be able to move freely but control, not just flying around. I have heard a lot student start complain about their hip joint or knees hurt. Also, many yoga practitioners they have a good flexibility, but they still couldn’t do some certain advanced pose. So what is wrong here? / What’s going on?

So today I will help you help you awake / engage your hip-rotator muscles and some core exercises to achieve some asana you might want to do. Before we start class / start moving, I have a question for you. What kind of hip positions / pelvis positions will help you open you hips or help you rotate your femur bone? Posterior or anterior.

I believe that you have heard a lot about hip-opening. What does hip-opener mean? / What do we mean by that? The hip joint is a ball-and-socket synovial joint. This means your leg has an almost 360 degree range of motion (ROM). However, this ROM must be used in a controlled manner to avoid damage to the joint–not just flopping around. I have heard a lot of students start complaining that their hips joint or knees hurt. Also,Even many yoga practitioners, though they have a good flexibility, but they still can’t perform / master / hold some certain advanced pose. So what’s going on? What do you guys think?

So today I will help you help you awake / engage your hip-rotator muscles and some core exercises to achieve some asana you might want to do. Before we start class / start moving, I have a question for you. What kind of hip positions / pelvis positions will help you open you hips or help you rotate your femur bone? Posterior or anterior.